
About Lori

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So far Lori has created 115 blog entries.

Best Tips For Storing Your Stuff


You've finally pared down, gotten rid of the junk and unwanted items, and now you want to find the perfect [...]

Best Tips For Storing Your Stuff2020-11-16T02:42:02+00:00

Get To Inbox Zero


Email management can literally consume your day. Messages continue to mount and remind you of all the things you want [...]

Get To Inbox Zero2020-11-16T02:42:40+00:00

Let It Go Now or Pay Later


Looking around your home, do you smile as you remember the joyful moments you've experienced over the years: the first [...]

Let It Go Now or Pay Later2021-02-03T00:12:06+00:00

Simple Clutter Solutions


If you are one of the millions who have heard of or read Marie Kondo's book, The Life Changing Magic [...]

Simple Clutter Solutions2021-02-03T00:12:46+00:00