
Inspiration To Get Organized!


As much as you'd like to get organized, it's so easy to make excuses. "I'm too busy", "It's so overwhelming, [...]

Inspiration To Get Organized!2020-11-16T03:00:46+00:00

A Realistic To-Do List


If you're like most people, your to-do list is a never ending, lengthy list of all the things you would like to or need to accomplish. The unfinished tasks hang over you, leaving you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. According to Jim Benson, author of Personal Kanban, "If your list contains more [...]

A Realistic To-Do List2020-11-16T03:01:36+00:00

Productivity Apps on my iPad


I may be a late adopter, but I recently added an iPad to my toolbox of electronic gadgets.  Besides being [...]

Productivity Apps on my iPad2020-11-16T03:02:16+00:00

Organized Home Office For Business Success


As a small business owner, I love working in my home office. My commute time is short, my schedule is flexible, and I can work in my yoga pants and a t-shirt if I so choose. But creating a home office is more than just plopping a computer on a table and throwing in some file cabinets. If you want to run a successful business...

Organized Home Office For Business Success2020-11-16T03:05:50+00:00

App Overload


They're often free or cheap, and can be downloaded in an instant. And if you have a need, there's probably one for it. However, what began as a fun discovery when you first got your smartphone, may now have resulted in your device being cluttered with too many apps. It may not appear to be a problem, but too many apps can overtake your phone's memory and make it difficult...

App Overload2020-11-16T03:07:05+00:00

Is Your Environment Productive?


A productive environment is defined as an intentional setting where everything around you supports who you are and who you want to be. That environment can be anything from your kitchen counter to your e-mail inbox. If your environment is filled with items that don't belong in the space, your efficiency and success can be severely impacted.

Is Your Environment Productive?2020-11-16T03:08:03+00:00